We are so excited about the AM.CO.ZA PrintUP Channel Letter Printer and how it will propel our customers’ businesses forward in 2021. We have been running some extensive tests and benchmarks and this one was just too good to not share.
Imagine Wall mounted Logos (700mm x 130mm) with two colours – in a blazing 3 hours – It is now a reality with AM.CO.ZA PrintUP Channel Letter Printer. Now optionally add resin for strength and durability and garnish with LED strips for illumination. Perfection. See this feat in the following video on our youtube channel: https://youtu.be/sit3K8wjH-g
With a massive print bed of 800mm x 850mm, you can stack and nest letters of various sizes to your heart (andimaginations’) content.
We are expanding or additive manufacturing and 3d Printing section on our online store on Buythis.co.za and will be updating some training videos on our training platforms in the new year.