In our pursuit of the best prices to our customers we are leaving no stone unturned. By keeping track of product price fluctuations on the store we are working to identify possible trends and understand their driving factors. As we gain deeper understanding of what affects product prices, and when these fluctuations occur – we are looking to share this information with our loyal customers.
Currently the most dominating price-fluctuation drivers are:
- Exchange rates, Not only ZAR against the US Dollar but also the US Dollar against Chinese Yuan are important since majority of our products are from China
- Transport cost, the COVID-19 pandemic is driving up the air-freight and sea-freight heavily – and in turn creating a shortage as well. Generally speaking, the bigger the products, the more they are affected by transport costs.
- Other factors like our buying price, inflation rates, interest rates etc
All of the tracking and plotting leads to forecasting of the answer to the important question: “When is the best time to buy Machinery?”
We are super exited to share that the lower cost trend from last quarter of 2021 continues into 2022 – A really welcome start to the year and an interesting observation for possible device purchases before the coming financial-year-end that is drawing near.
One great example of this is AM.CO.ZA’s V-800P: V-Series+ High-Speed Vinyl Cutter (800mm with ARM CPU, 16M, 1kg Pressure) a true workhorse, now at a great prince. If we plot the V-Series+ Vinyl Cutter prices from 2021-10-31 to 2022-01-01 as an example, we can see this dramatic drop in last few months and a continuation of this lower price trend.
Added to this exciting news is that – as a celebration of the new year, and all that is to come – we are also lowering prices by a further 5% during the month of January 2022, to get you on your way to your most productive year yet!
When is the best time to buy Machinery? It is now January 2022!