Removing rust is no easy task. It takes time, and loads of effort, well, that is if you aren’t using a RustOff Laser Cleaner from AM.CO.ZA! The RustOff 50W Pulse Fiber Laser Cleaner makes removing rust, paint and inks, easier, quicker and cheaper. The RustOff Fiber Laser doesn’t require any chemicals, giving you a full solution to getting the job done.
We also have the brand new RustOff 1000W Continuous Laser Cleaner which has just been unpacked in our Warehouse. Feel free to visit your nearest AM.CO.ZA Warehouse for a demo. We will share a video of the RustOff 1000W soon!
Watch the below demo to see how easy the RustOff Fiber Laser Cleaning System is to use, to remove rust, paint and ink! Don’t forget to pop in for an in-person demo, and let us clean your heavy rusted metals for you!